Boxes, Coin Collecting No. 13

Taken from Technical Instruction XXXVI Part 4 (Dated 1930)

This was prepayment type of multi-coin-collecting box which had been standardized for use on all circuits where a coin-collecting box is required in C.B. and Automatic areas.

These were superseded by the Box, Coin Collecting No. 14 circa 1936.

The Box C.C., No. 13, complete, comprises of:-
1 x Mechanism No. 13.
1 x Box, Cash, No. 5 (the containing case).
1 x Mechanism No. 13.

The Box C.C. No. 13 complete, was combined with other apparatus to form telephones of the wall type and the following are the Rate Book descriptions of the items required for the equipment of circuits with prepayment coin-collecting boxes:-

C.B. Areas (1932):-
1 x Telephone No. 115 or 115A.
1 x Relay and Coil No. 29AN.
1 x Bell Set No. 1.
1 x Label No. 43A.

Automatic Areas (1932):-
1 x Telephone No. 123 or 123A.
1 x Bell Set No. 1.
1 x Dial, Automatic No. 11.

25. Telephones Nos. 115 and 123 will be fitted in normal circumstances, and Telephones Nos. 115A and 123A when specified on the Advice Note by the Controller, London Telephone Service, or District Manager. The Telephones Nos. 115A and 123A differ in having a returned coin chute trough at the bottom of the containing box (Box, Cash No. 5) and extending along its whole width, surmounted by a plate glass front approximately 4.5 inches in depth. These telephones are installed in localities where fraud is found to be prevalent through criminally inclined persons blocking up the returned coin chute with paper, thus preventing Callers from obtaining the return of coins after making an ineffective call, see following Paragraph, and enabling the money to be dishonestly collected from the trough later on the removal of the paper.

26. The chief features of the coin-collecting box are:-

  1. Except in connexion with emergency calls it requires the insertion of the local fee before the exchange can be called, in the case of the C.B. Exchange, while in an Automatic Area the insertion of the local fee is necessary before any number except "0" can be dialled effectively.

  2. By means of two press buttons, A and B, see Paragraphs 31-33, which the Caller is relied upon to operate, it enables fees inserted to be deposited if the call is effective or refunded if ineffective.

  3. It permits such additional fees as may be required for Toll and Trunk calls, or for the transmission of telegrams, to be collected and thus enables other than local fee calls to be dealt with at Call Offices.

  4. Pennies, sixpences and shillings are accepted.

27. General Description
A description of the operation of the coin-collecting box and its associated apparatus is given below together with instructions for installation.

28. Illustrations
External views of complete Telephones Nos. 115 and 115A (for C.B. Areas) and Telephones Nos. 123 and 123A (for Automatic Areas) are shown on their respective pages and a general view of the coin-collecting box mechanism is given in Figure 5.

Fig 5 - Mechanism No. 13

29. Coin Slots
Three coin slots marked "Penny", "Sixpence" and "Shilling" respectively are provided on the top of the box. The size of each slot is such as to prevent the use of coins of a larger size than that of the denomination shown or of badly bent or misshapen coins. If a smaller coin than that indicated is inserted in any of the slots it is thrown out by means of a coin gauge, falls into the refund trough chute and is thus returned to the Caller.

30. Gong Signals
In C.B. areas, all calls must be passed via the exchange operator and to gain attention it is necessary, except in the case of emergency calls to insert as a minimum the amount of the fee for a local call. In automatic areas, all calls except local fee calls must be passed via the manual switchboard of the automatic exchange where the attention of the operator is gained by dialling 0 without the precedent insertion of a fee. In the first case (C.B. areas) the coins which have to be inserted in addition to the local call fee and in the second case (automatic areas) the whole of the coins inserted to cover the call made can be checked by gong signals as follows:-
Each penny inserted strikes a wire gong once, giving a deep toned sound, each sixpence strikes a bell gong once, giving a high pitched sound, and each shilling strikes the bell gong twice. The two gongs therefore give distinctly different sounding signals, which actuate the small Transmitter No. 21 provided in the coin-collecting box, making them audible to the operator and thus enabling the value of the coins inserted in the box to be checked.

31. Buttons controlling the deposit and return of coins
After insertion, the coins are held in suspension in a pivoted container which is controlled mechanically by two press buttons marked "A" and "B".

32. The depression of button "A", situated in the front of the box, causes all coins the Caller has inserted to be deposited in the cash box and when so deposited the coins cannot be returned. When connexion with the required number is obtained, button "A" must be depressed before conversation can be carried on.

33. The depression of button "B", which is fitted at the right hand side of the box, causes any coins held in suspension in the container referred to previously to be refunded to the Caller. The coins so returned fall into a trough in front of the C.C. box. Button "B" is used when the number called is unobtainable, and for the recovery of any coins inserted in the box in the event of a fault existing which prevents the exchange from being called.

34. Capacity of coin container
The container in which the coins are held in suspension is divided into three sections, the respective capacities of which are:-
10 Pennies.
8 Sixpences.
10 Shillings.

35. Construction of box
The Box, Cash No. 5 (the containing box), which is constructed of pressed steel, is divided internally into two compartments. The upper compartment accommodates the mechanism, i.e. Box C.C., No. 13, and the lower one, which is closed by a removable bottom plate, forms a cash box. Independent access to the two compartments is provided. Access to the mechanism in the upper compartment is obtained by removing a detachable front which, when in position, is fastened by a lock. Keys, Lock J, for use therewith should be requisitioned separately and held by the Engineering staff for maintenance purposes.  In the top section is a Jack No. 30 and a Switch, Receiver No. 2.

36. The whole of the mechanism is hinged in such a way that it can be swung clear of the box for inspection or adjustment or entirely withdrawn if necessary for repair or replacement.

37. The electrical connexions between the hinged mechanism and the fixed equipment in the box are made by means of a plug and jack.

38. The mechanical features of the box are exactly the same for C.B. and automatic working and the mechanism, Box C.C., No. 13, used on one system is interchangeable with one used on the other system without alteration.

39. Cash box and locks
Access to the cash box portion of the complete coin-collecting box for the purpose of collecting deposited cash is obtained by removing the bottom plate which is secured in position by means of a lock. For information relative to the locks, and keys to be used and the conditions attending their use, see Paragraphs 96 to 106.

40. Prevention of electric shocks
To avoid any danger of shock to users of Telephone No. 123 or 123A, future supplies of these types of telephone will be provided before issue with earthing bolts on the Transmitter Arm No. 1, the Mounting, Dial, Automatic No. 8, and the Box, Cash No. 5. These bolts should be wired together and should be connected to an efficient Earth. Cord Instrument No. 222, waterproof, will be fitted instead of Cord Instrument No. 222.

41. In the case of Telephones No. 123 already fitted and not provided with special earthing bolts, one of the bolts securing the Transmitter Arm No. 1, one of the Dial Mounting fixing screws and one of the bolts securing the Box, Cash No. 5 to the backboard should be well cleaned of enamel or other covering, wired together and connected to an efficient Earth. Cords, Instrument No. 222 should be replaced by Cords, Instrument No. 222, Waterproof.

42. Apparatus lay-out
The general arrangement of the apparatus and notices in telephone cabinets and Kiosks Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 should be strictly in accordance with the lay-out plans relative to C.B. and automatic areas and the conditions specified in Technical Instructions XXXVI, Part 1.

43. Wiring
Cable E and C C n/10 should be used for all wiring between the telephone and the associated apparatus as indicated by diagrams C.B. 1258 (N. 215) and A.T. 1860 (N 223), and all wiring should be run on the rear of the wallboard. Suitable holes for leading-in wires are provided on the back of the apparatus and no wiring should appear on the face of the Wallboard.

44. Fixing
The telephone should be fixed to the wallboard by means of the four bolts and nuts issued with the instrument.

45. Lighting
Good lighting is essential in Call Offices fitted with prepayment coin-collecting boxes and any steps practicable should be taken to obtain satisfactory conditions in this respect.

46. Details of standard lighting arrangements in cabinets and the various kiosks and instructions regarding the maintenance of fittings are given in Circular Power 46, Monthly List, June 1930.

47. Tests
A schedule of tests to prove the correct operation of the coin box mechanism is given on Sheet 3 of diagrams C.B. 1258 (N 215) and A.T. 1860 (N 223) respectively.

48. With the exception of the test of gong and chutes for silver coins all necessary tests can be made by means of the present (penny) tokens. The occasions on which tests of the sixpenny and shilling chutes and gong are necessary are expected to be very few and tokens equivalent to these coins are not therefore supplied. When such tests are necessary, however, it is anticipated that maintenance officers will have suitable coins available and by swinging the mechanism forward when making the tests, any risk of coins being deposited m the cash box can be avoided.

49. Maintenance
Minor repairs such as the adjustment of spring contacts, escapement, pendulum, balance, counter weight and the clearance of obstructions from the chutes can be carried out readily with the mechanism in situ.

50. The escapement should be adjusted by means of its pendulum bob so that Springs Nos. 8 and 9 remain open for a period of about seven seconds when the "B" button is depressed.

51, The operation of the balance-arm is controlled by means of a counter weight and the adjustment should be such that the arm is not actuated by a weight less than that of two pennies.

52. Where repairs of a more extensive character are necessary the mechanism should be replaced under maintenance exchange.

53. Fault Records
In order that uniformity of practice in the recording of faults may prevail, the descriptions of the various parts of the mechanism given on diagram Misc. 2673, see figure 5, should be used. The entry on the fault card showing the nature and cause of the fault should clearly indicate the part of the coin box on which the defect occurred.

54. Emergency call arrangements in kiosks accessible from the public highway in C.B. areas
In order that the exchange may be called in respect of emergency calls, e.g. Fire, Police and Ambulance, without the insertion of the usual fee being necessary where a prepayment type of coin-collecting box is fitted in a kiosk accessible from the public highway, on a Call Office circuit connected to a C.B. exchange, the following arrangements at the Call Office end should be made in accordance with diagram C.B. 1258 (N 215), Sheets 4 and 5, Plan No. 5A, C.B. 1398 (N 1154), Plan No. 5E or C.B. 1391 (N 1156), Plan, No. 5F.

55. A Press Button G, brass, with watertight barrel associated with an earth. connected 50-ohms resistance bobbin should be fitted in the kiosk and joined up in such a way that the earthed resistance is normally disconnected but is connected directly to the "B" line when the button is depressed.

56. Resistance bobbins of the values specified on the relevant diagram should also be provided, and inserted in the circuit in the positions indicated, for the purpose of preventing the operation of a marginal relay at the exchange when a normal call is made. They should be located as indicated by the relevant diagram.

57. The press button should be fitted immediately above the Telephone No. 115 or 115A and a Label No. 161 should be fitted behind the fixing plate.

A Label No. 37, White, engraved EMERGENCY CALL (engraving 8B, 1, filling red) should also be fitted immediately above the press button.

58. Frame Notice No. 18 for the accommodation of an Emergency Notice T403G, should be fitted immediately above the emergency call label as shown on the relevant standard apparatus and notice lay-out plans specified in Technical Instructions XXXVI, Part I.

59. The exchange name and telephone number, only, should be displayed on a (rd S.S. 506 placed in the Frame Notice No. 1 immediately below the transmitter arm. The Card S.S. 506 will replace the Instruction Card T.E. 254 normally fitted in the Frame.

60. Cards S.S. 506 and T. 403G should be obtained and fitted as laid down in T.I. XXXVI, Part I.

61. Certain modifications are also necessary at C.B. exchanges when prepayment coin-collecting boxes are installed whether, or not, emergency call facilities are provided as in the ease of Kiosks accessible from the public highway, see
Paragraphs 54 to 60 and 62 to 70.

62. Modifications of C.B. Exchange Equipment
The circuit arrangements required at a C.B. exchange for working in connexion with circuits having prepayment coin-collecting boxes associated with them are shown by Diagram C.B. 1241, Figs. 1-4. When provision is made for emergency Fire, Police and Ambulance calls from a Kiosk accessible from public highways, see Paragraphs 54 to 60, the circuit concerned should be joined up at the exchange in accordance with Diagram C.B. 1241 (Figs. 1 and 1A), the necessary equipment being provided and arranged. as laid down in the mimeographed Circulars of June 4t 1929 and August 9th 1929, entitled "Prepayment type Coin-collecting Boxes, Emergency call facilities."

63. When the modifications indicated by Diagram C.B. 1241 have been carried out, the conditions at a C.B. exchange on the lines concerned are as outlined in the following paragraphs 64 to 70.

64. Calling Equipment
(a) Normal case, i.e. when emergency call facilities are not provided - The "A" line is disconnected from the cut-off relay (C.B. 1241, Fig. 1).
(b) When emergency call facilities are provided - All. the leads to the normal calling equipment are disconnected from it and are connected instead to a special calling equipment, the "A" line being left disconnected (C.B. 1241, Figs. 1 and 1A).

65. "A" position cord circuit C.B. 1241, Figs. 3 and 4
The resistance spool normally fitted in the sleeve circuit of the calling cord is replaced by a relay thus providing for the required reversal of the exchange battery on the answering cord when the calling plug is inserted into a jack.

66. On cord circuits having repeating coils (C.B. 1241, Fig. 2), the 83-ohm resistance spool normally fitted in the sleeve circuit on the calling plug side is replaced by a Relay HC, shunted by a 400-ohm resistance spool, and Relays HR and HA are fitted in train with Relay HC. The connexions of the Relay HR provide for the reversal of the exchange battery on the answering side of the cord circuit when the calling plug is inserted into a jack, and the method of connecting the operator's telephone circuit to the contacts of Relay HA and HC ensures that that circuit is temporarily disconnected during the momentary period of battery reversal, thus minimizing the click received by the operator when the battery reversal takes place.

67. To distinguish the modified cord circuits from the ordinary cord circuits, the speaking and listening keys of the former are provided with cerise coloured plug covers and key handles.

68. The modified cord circuits can be used for answering ordinary subscribers' circuits but not for answering on jack-ended, junction circuits.

69. For the completion of reverted calls (e.g. trunk calls etc.), transfer lines, wired in accordance with Diagram C.B. 1415, are required. Duplicate jacks are necessary because the cord circuit answering plug must always be used in the Call Office line. The extra jack permits of the plug in the transfer circuit being changed without "clearing" at the distant end.

70. Hold Jacks
See Paragraph 85, are provided on the "A" positions as indicated by Diagram C.B. 1241, Fig. 5.

71. Operation of circuit at a C.B. exchange
The diagrams referring are:-
Telephone No. 115 or No. 115A without emergency call facilities - C.B. 1258 (N 215).
Telephone No. 115 or No. 115A with emergency call facilities - Sheets 1 and 2. C.B. 1258 (N 215).
Exchange end, Line and Cord Circuits - Sheets 4 and 5. C.B. 1241.

72. Calling the exchange. Normal conditions
The removal of the receiver operates the usual switch-hook connexions, but, as the Earth connected normally to the "A" line at the exchange is disconnected at the cut-off relay, the line relay is not operated by the telephone loop.

73. The insertion of the first penny operates a crank arm immediately below the coin slots, which breaks contacts 11 and 12 and makes contacts 10 and 11. The penny, after rolling down an inclined chute, drops into a container and rests on a pivoted balance arm.

74. On the insertion of the second penny, which rolls down the chute in a similar manner to the first, the combined weight of the two coins depresses the balance-arm. The operation of the arm closes contacts 3 and 4 and a calling signal at the exchange results. The circuit of the line relay at the exchange is completed by Earth and contact 3 via contact 4, one winding of the retardation coil contacts 8 and 9, switch-hook contacts, primary winding of induction coil, B line, cut-off relay contacts, line relay and battery to Earth.

75. Calling the exchange from a kiosk by means of the emergency press button
On the depression of the emergency button, a low resistance Earth (50-ohms) is connected directly to the "B" line causing the operation of marginal and line relays at the exchange. On operation, the relays lock and an interrupted Earth is connected to the calling lamp, causing it to flash until the answering plug is inserted.

76. Exchange answers
When the operator inserts the answering plug, the cut-off relay is operated and battery is connected to the "B" line and Earth to the "A" line via the cord circuit. The polarized relay, No. 194A, see diagram C.B. 1258 (N. 215), Sheets 4 and 5, is now in circuit but, as it is arranged to operate only with a negative battery on the "A" line, it does not operate at this stage and consequently the telephone transmitter (No. 1) is in circuit for speech. The coin-collecting box transmitter (No. 21) is also in circuit in series with the line.

77. If it is found when the operator takes particulars of the number required, that additional coins are necessary, connexion is made to the "Hold" jack (as described later, see Paragraphs 85 and 86), while the value of the coins inserted is checked by the gong signals.

78. Caller connected
The insertion of the calling plug into a subscriber's line or junction jack reverses the tip and ring connexions of the answering cord so that battery is connected to the "A" and Earth to the "B" line. The polarized relay, No. 194A, is therefore operated and short-circuits the telephone transmitter (No. 1).

79. When the Caller hears his correspondent, he must press the button A. the actuation of which causes the deposit of the coins, opens contacts 10 and 11 and closes contacts 11 and 12. The former contacts remove the short circuit from the telephone transmitter and the latter short-circuits the polarized relay and coin-collecting box transmitter.

80. When the coins are deposited, the balance arm is released and contacts 3 and 4 are opened.

81. The call can now proceed in the normal manner and standard conditions exist for supervisory and clearing signals.

82. Ineffective Calls
If the call is ineffective, the Caller obtains the return of his coins by pressing the "refund" button B. This operation opens contacts Wand ii and closes contacts 11 and 12 as when button A is depressed. In addition, contacts 8 and 9 are opened while contacts 6 and 7 are closed and Earth is applied to the 2,000-ohm relay, No. 128 B, connected to the "A" line, see Diagram C.B. 1258 (N. 215), which relay operates and locks up via its own contacts, disconnecting the line and thus giving the clearing signal at the exchange. This relay remains locked and the clearing signal persists until the operator takes down the connexion.

83. Misuse of "refund" button and use of "Hold " jack
Should the Caller depress the "refund" button B after the operator has answered but before the calling plug is inserted in a jack, the 2,000-ohm relay, No. 128 B, will not be operated as there is no battery on the "A" line at the exchange. The polarized relay is also short-circuited by contacts 11 and 12 and therefore cannot operate when the calling plug is inserted subsequently. Unless some further precautionary measures were taken a momentary signal only would be given on the supervisory lamp (whilst contacts 8 and 9 are open) and the fact that the "refund" button B had been depressed might pass undetected by the operator.

84. To frustrate any fraudulent attempt by a Caller to obtain a call in this way without payment, an escapement is provided in connexion with the "refund" button which delays, for about seven seconds, the return to normal of contacts 6, 7, 8 and 9 that are operated when this button is depressed. When thus operated, contacts 6 and 7 connect Earth to the 2,000-ohm relay, No. 128 B connected to the "A" line, but there being 110 battery on this line at the exchange, the relay is not energized. Contacts 8 and 9, however, open the line circuit and so operate the supervisory signal at the exchange for about seven seconds. The glow of the supervisory lamp will draw the attention of the operator to the irregularity, or if, during the seven seconds' interval, the calling plug is inserted, thereby connecting battery to the "A" line, the 2,000-ohm relay, No. 128B, will operate and lock up, thus permanently disconnecting the line.

85. As a further precautionary measure, a "Hold" jack is provided on each "A" position dealing with prepayment coin-collecting box circuits, for use in operating any calls when it is impossible or undesirable to connect the calling plug immediately to a subscriber's or junction jack. The calling plug is inserted 111 the "Hold" jack and produces the same conditions as when this plug is inserted into an ordinary jack. Any attempt on the part of a Caller to obtain the call without payment by securing the refundment of his money, i.e. by pressing button B, during the interval before the required connexion is completed is thus frustrated in a similar manner to that described in Paragraph 82 dealing with "ineffective calls."

86. The "Hold" jack is used also while the insertion in the coin-collecting box of any additional fees required is being checked by the operator.

87. Automatic Exchanges
No special circuit arrangements are necessary. The provision and segregation of switches and "0" level circuits will be carried out in accordance with the equipment specification.

88. Operation of circuit on an automatic exchange
The diagrams referring are:-
Telephone No. 123 (or No. 123A) - A.T. 1860 (N. 223) Sheets 1 and 2.

89. Type of dial
The telephone is fitted with a Dial Automatic No. 11 to permit of the operator being called without prepayment when 0 is dialled. This dial is a modification of Dial Automatic No. 10, to which is added a pair of spring contacts, Nos. 13 and 14, and a controlling cam. The cam is mounted loosely on the main spindle of the dial and is operated by the Switching lever but is so arranged that its operation Only takes place when 0 is dialled.

90. Normal Conditions
The contacts Nos. 13 and 14 of the dial are in series with contacts Nos. 4 and 5 of the coin-collecting box and are normally closed, thus providing a short circuit across the impulse springs of the dial. In addition, the coin-collecting box transmitter (No. 21) is short-circuited by contacts Nos. 11 and 12. In other respects the circuit conditions are equivalent to the standard automatic telephone and the Call Office is therefore unrestricted so far as incoming calls are concerned.

91. The short circuit across the dial is removed by the insertion of two pennies or, when 0 is dialled, as described later.

92. As previously stated the mechanical features of a Box C.C. No. 13 are exactly the same whether used for C.B. or automatic working, the circuit arrangements only being modified. No special relays or coils are required to meet automatic conditions.

93. Unit fee calls normally completed automatically
The first penny inserted operates the crank arm fitted below the coin slot. Consequently, contacts 11 and 12 are broken and contacts 10 and 11 are closed, thus short-circuiting the telephone transmitter (No. 1) and removing the short circuit from the coin-collecting box transmitter (No. 21). After rolling down an inclined chute, the penny comes to rest in the container on the pivoted balance-arm. On the insertion of the second penny, which comes to rest in a similar manner to the first, the added weight operates the balance-arm causing contacts 4 and 5 to open and remove the short circuit from the impulse springs of the dial. The Caller is now able to dial the number required. When the called number answers, the Caller should depress button A. the actuation of which causes the deposit of the coins, opens contacts 10 and 11, closes contacts 11 and 12 and 4 and 5 and transfers the short circuit from the telephone transmitter to the coin-collecting box transmitter. The circuit having been thus restored to normal, conversation can proceed. The connexion at the exchange is released when the receiver is returned to the switch-hook.

94. Calls not completed automatically
The Caller dials 0 without previously inserting any coins. When the dial is thus revolved to its full extent, the short circuit across the impulse springs is removed by the operation of the special cam previously referred to which opens contacts 13 and 14. The cam is so arranged that these contacts remain open until the tenth impulse has been completed, i.e., until the dial has returned to normal, before they again close. The calling signal is thus given on the exchange manual switchboard and the operator takes particulars of the call. When the call matures, the operator requests the Caller to pay the appropriate fee. The first coin placed in the slot breaks contacts 11 and 12 and makes contacts 10 and 11. The coin-collecting box transmitter (No. 21) is thus placed in circuit and enables the value of the coins inserted to be checked by the operator in the manner already described, see Paragraph 30. When the full fee has been collected, the Caller is requested to press button A, the actuation of which causes the deposit of the coins in the cash box and transfers the short circuit from the telephone transmitter to the transmitter (No. 21) in the coin-collecting box as previously described. The circuit having been thus restored to normal, the call can proceed in the usual manner and standard conditions exist for supervisory and clearing signals. No special cord circuit conditions are required on the automatic manual switchboard.

95. Ineffective calls
If the call is ineffective, the Caller obtains the return of his coins by pressing the refund button B. This operation opens contacts 10 and 11 and closes contacts 11 and 12, as when button A is depressed, but, in addition, the depression of button B opens contacts 8 and 9, which disconnects the telephone circuit. These latter contacts are so arranged that their return to normal on the release of button B is delayed by the escapement fitted in the coin-collecting box, which, as previously described, is adjusted so that the contacts remain open for a sufficiently long period, about seven seconds, to clear any connexion completed automatically at the exchange. When calls are completed by an operator, the depression of button B and the consequent disconnexion of the circuit for an interval of seven seconds causes the cord circuit supervisory lamp to glow for a corresponding period, giving a clearing signal at the automatic manual switchboard.


The pictures below show a Telephone No. 119 which was fitted with a Boxes, Coin Collecting No. 13.   The Telephone No. 115 was used in C.B. areas and the Telephone No. 123 were also fitted with the same mechanism.  The coin mechanism is called a Mechanism No. 13.

Unlike later A&B coin boxes there were no active components housed in the case, except for the switch hooks and receiver.

A separate Bellset and Transmitter had to be fitted.

The connection from the mechanism was by means of brass pins which located on brass springs, when the mechanism was swung into the casing.

Fitted with a Lock No. 31 (Engineering cover) and a Lock No. 4 (Cash box cover).

Superseded by the BCC No. 14 and many of the BCC No. 13's were converted to BCC No. 14's.

Click here for more information on the Mechanism No. 13

GEC Current Comments article 1
GEC Current Comments article 2


The two pictures of the Telephone No. 119 below look like pre-production mock up as there is no wiring and the front of the cash container is not correct.  These pictures are dated 1924.

Front cover removed from the Coin Box exposing the Mechanism No.13 in position Front cover removed from the Coin Box exposing the Mechanism No.13 in maintenance position


BCC No. 13 - Manual Exchange use (left - Telephone No. 115) and Automatic Exchange use (right - Telephone No. 119)


BCC No. 13 with mechanism in the open position.


BCC No. 13 with engineers cover removed.


BCC No. 13 - close up of mechanism showing early style connectors (Dated 1926).



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