BELL No. 59A & BELL No. 59 Unmounted

Magneto bell (AC) similar to Bellset No. 26, but has no capacitor fitted.

The cover was either Bakelite or plastic depending on age.

The Bell No. 59A Unmounted is just the bell ringer itself and comprises of two 500 ohm coils that can be connected in parallel if required (see below).

Used extensively as an extension bell for internal use only.

Picture to the right shows a black plastic covered bellset.  The paper bag contained three round headed screws for fitting the bell to a wall.

The early cover was replaced circa 1975 with a thinner plastic cover coloured black, grey or ivory. 

The early covers were Part No. 1/SCO/1 (Colour), the black version being produced in Phenolic Resin, Type GX (Specs BS771 & S116).

The later cover was called the Cover No. 71A (Colour) and made of Toughened Polystyrene Type 1 (Specs BS3126 & S116).

The early cased bell sets could be fixed under a 100 or 200 type table telephone.  Special fixing screws are required which supplied as standard on the earlier bell sets.   A Cord, Inst., No. 4/51H, Brown, 9" or Cord., Inst., No 5/22H, Brown, 9" would also be required.

Normally fitted with matched bell gongs, but where a distinctive tone is required, the following combination of 2.5in gongs can be provided:-
Bells-gongs No. 2 - Nickelled or oxidised
Bells-gongs No. 2A - Nickelled or oxidised
Bells-gongs No. 3 - Aluminium
Bells-gongs No. 17 - Steel or bronzed with concentric hole
Bells-gongs No. 12 - Cow gongs - cannot be fitted to Bells Nos. 1A or 59A.

ATM also made this Bellset - their Bakelite covered version was Part No. T4064.

Diagram - N659.

Drawing - 63036.

Converting a Bell No. 59A to work in the UK

  1. Remove the wire link between terminals 3 and 4.
  2. Insert a 3.3k ohm resistor between terminals 3 and 4.
  3. Connect the blue wire of the line cord to terminal 2.
  4. Connect the white wire of the line cord to terminal 5.
  5. The red and green wires of the line cord are unused.  Insulate the metal tags with tape.

Adjustment of Magneto bells

Click here for the difference between a Bell and a Bellset

How to spot a reproduction Bakelite Bellset cover

Covers and dimensions


Bell No. 59 Unmounted


Mark 1 Mark 2

This is the bell ringer itself and this could be fitted in telephones, bells or bellsets.  They operate on 75volts at 17hz and 25hz.

There are two variants - the Mark 1 which has a round magnet and the Mark 2 which has an oblong magnet (both are pictured above).

This bell ringer could also be fitted with a Spring, Bias (Part 2/SSP/593).  This spring was used to stop bell tinkle.

Bells No. 59A unmounted
Twin 500 ohm coils, used in bellsets and 300 type telephones (solder tags). Mark 1.  Introduced circa 1932.

Bells No. 59AA unmounted
Twin 500 ohm coils, with a bracket for fitting into wooden bellsets and telephones (solder tags).  Mark 1. Introduced circa 1945.

Bells No. 59A-1 unmounted
Twin 500 ohm coils, used in Telephones No. 706, 710 etc (two fly leads fitted with tags).  Mark 2. Introduced in October 1958.

Bells No. 59B-1 unmounted
Twin 500 ohm coils, used, used in Telephones No. 706 with printed circuit board (for coil tags directly soldered to board).  Introduced in October 1959.

Bells No. 59C-1 unmounted
Twin 500 ohm coils, used in Telephones No. 746, 740 etc.  Introduced in February 1967. Mark 2.

Bells No. 59D-1 unmounted
Twin 2000 ohm coils, used to convert old apparatus to PST/new plan (two fly leads with tags) - shown above.  Introduced in January 1980.

Bell No. 59A - Drawing No. 9874.
Bell No. 59AA - Drawing No. 63040.
Bell No. 59B - Drawing No. 91998.
Bell No. 59C - Drawing No. 92761.
Bell No. 59D - Drawing No. 62761

Specification - S91.

Bell No. 59A Mark 2


Bell No. 59A Mark 2

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Last revised: August 08, 2024