The problem with posters and notices is when and how were they used.  Many have a date and GPO code at the bottom.  CO plus a number is the code, whilst some are dated with letters or just numbers (i.e. 9/63).

Another way to date these is to check the notice text for the value of coins to be used and when to use them.  Inserting coins before making a call is an A&B coinbox, whilst inserting the coins when the call is answered would be a 700 type coinbox.

The number of coins to be inserted is also a good indicator of age.  The coin-box charge for a 1-unit call went up from 2d to 3d on 1st October 1951 (the coin-box fee added to timed trunk calls also went from 2d to 3d at this time).  The increase from 3d to 4d was on 1st January 1957.

Also be aware that the notices would change depending on what type of exchange the coinbox was connected to.  Once again check the bottom of the notice.  DIR = Director (London, Leeds etc), ND = Non-Director (big towns and cities), UAX = Unit Automatic Exchange (Small villages and towns).

Notices like these were only fitted when the coinbox was fitted to exchanges that required a dial.  The codes were required so the user could route the call to the required exchange.

Click here for a list


Directory Enquiries - PK205
Faversham area adverts
Rye area adverts - 1962
Savings Bank - PK26
Savings Bank - PK27
Savings Bank
Telegraph service - PK15
Trunk Calls - PH836
Trunk Calls - PK36
TV Licence - PK17


Dial Codes and Emergency notices
CO93 - Automatic with 0 emergency notice
CO94 - Automatic ND Main and Satellite UAX with 999 emergency notice
CO95 - Automatic with 999 emergency notice
CO113 - CB - Press Button for emergency call notice
Dial Codes - Numerous
Magneto - How to use telephone - T297
Out of Service - TG431 - hanging sign


Instructions & STD Codes
Brookland - CO3 (1959)
Brookland - CO3 (1964)
Broughton - CO3
Canterbury - CO301
Ham Street - CO4
Hassocks - CO22
Hemel Hempstead - CO22
Henlade - CO750 Issue 1
London Director Area - CO7 Issue 3 - 1959
London Director Area - CO7 Issue 5 - 1963
London Director Area - LTS460 - 2d
London Director Area - CO600
London Director Area - CO801 Issue 1
Luton - CO4 Issue 1
Luton - CO325/1 - Use with CO315
Luton - CO325/2
Rye - CO3
Sandown - CO301
Selindge - CO3
Universal for Call Office, Auto, Main, Satellite and UAX with dial tone - CO4 - 1956 - 4d
Universal - CO315 - ND - Used with CO325
Wellsbourne - CO300A
Wellsbourne - CO300B



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Last revised: December 31, 2024