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SWITCHBOARDS No. 975 - 983


We have already drawn attention to our patented indicator jack in the main body of our Catalogue. It is a combination of an indicator and a jack, such, that the action of inserting the plug to answer restores the indicator; the restoring, however, is mechanically, not electrically, accomplished. The indicator part of the combination consists of a cylindrical tube of metal arranged concentrically round the bush or barrel of the jack and painted white on the outside. Normally this tube is visible merely as a white ring round the bush, but when a call is made, it springs forward about half an inch and immediately attracts the operator's attention. To answer, the plug is inserted as usual, and, being provided with a broad shoulder, pushes the indicator back into its normal position.

A lot of work is spared the operators by this arrangement, and, if in addition the ringing-off indicators (as is the case in, all of the boards illustrated below) are automatically restored, the operating of these boards is very quick and simple.

The indicator jacks do not occupy any more space than a jack and lamp together, no relays are necessary with them, and they may be used for both magneto and battery calling.

We now manufacture the following standard pattern switchboards with indicator jacks.

No. 978.
This is similar to No. 664.
The ringing-off indicators are automatically restored when the plugs fall back into their sockets. The six keys for ringing or speaking on one cord only which are embodied in our No. 664 pattern are here replaced by three smaller keys. The usual parts are included, i.e., hand generator, hand micro-telephone No. 490 with cord No. 2052, night bell, &c.

Catalogue Number    975    976    977    978
Number of lines    25    30    40    50
Pairs of Cords and Plugs    5    6    8    10
Height in Inches    52    52    52    52
Width in Inches    20    20    20    20
Weight in Lbs    138.5    142.5    149    157
PRICE    £41 5 0    £46 17 6    £54 7 6    £66 15 0

No. 980
This board is similar to No. 978, but of larger dimensions. No. 979 is built for 100 lines, No. 980 is fitted for 100 lines, but has capacity for 200 lines. No. 981 is fully equipped for 200 lines. The usual accessories are included.

Catalogue Number    979    980    981
Number of lines    100    100    200
Pairs of Cords and Plugs    10    10    15
Height in Inches    53    56    56
Width in Inches    23    23    23
Weight in lbs    213    219    260
PRICE    £100    £102    £150

No. 983.
This board is similar to our No. 651 enclosed pattern. Here also the clearing indicators are automatically restored by the plugs returning to their sockets. Three service keys are fitted, instead of the six usually included, and a hand set No. 494 with cord No. 2052.  Much space is saved by substituting the indicator jacks for indicators and jacks, and as a result a larger multiple capacity is obtained than in the older pattern.

Catalogue Number    982    983
Number of lines    50    100
Pairs of Cords and plugs    10    15
Height in Inches    59    60.25
Width in Inches    17.75    23.6
Weight in Lbs.    157    238
PRICE    £75    £104

Taken from the Ericsson Telephone Catalogue 1903

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