No's N1340, N1341, N1900 & N1901

n1900.jpg (11396 bytes)
N1341 N1900

The "Etelphone" is a perfectly proportioned instrument moulded in the most modern plastic material combining rich, permanent surface lustre with robust strength.  It is designed for highest quality transmission on lines of up to 1,000 ohms loop resistance and is available in black, new ivory, lacquer red, concord blue, topaz yellow, two-tone green and two-tone green.

Compared with earlier designs it has the following advantages:-

  1. The risk of incorrect dialling is reduced by increased visibility of the dial numbers, which are external to the finger-plate.  The numbers are in bold characters on the underside of the transparent plastic ring and cannot be defaced.

  2. The handset is lighter, more comfortable to use, and specially shaped to rest in the hand in the position of maximum efficiency.

  3. No apparatus is attached to the case; it is mounted on the strong composition plastic base-a most convenient arrangement for maintenance.

  4. A single push-button key for Operator Recall, Shared Service, etc., can be easily fitted to a non-button instrument at any time.

  5. Dial connecting wires are included in C.B. sets to simplify conversion to auto.

  6. A key-operated dial lock switch can be fitted to the auto set to prevent unauthorised calls being made.

  7. An automatic regulator unit can be fitted in the telephone to ensure high quality transmission irrespective of line resistance variation.

The telephone has full tropical finish. Connecting wires are insulated with p.v.c. which is moisture-proof and not susceptible to fungoid growth or insect attack.  Coils are impregnated, metal parts specially finished and ringer perforations screened.

Two-tone sets have the case in one colour and the handset, number ring, and push key when fitted, in another.  The dial dummy of the C.B. set and the key dummy for either set are coloured to match the case.

Instruments normally have a carrying handle under the handset.

Cords are of the p.v.c. insulated type and are normally coloured to match the handset, the desk cord being straight and the handset cord coiled.  Similar cords in grebe grey, or nylon braided all straight cords in grebe grey can be supplied.

N1900 - Automatic (table)
N1901 - Automatic with one switch (table)
N1340 - C.B. (table)
N1341 - C.B. with one switch (table)

Taken from the Ericsson Catalogue No. 55

Additional Information

Type No.   Description   Diagram No. Notes


N1900 Automatic without button   N91399   Plug-in 706
N1900A Automatic without button   N93148   Plug-in -
N1900A55 Automatic without button   Steel dial with chaplets   -
N1900A61 English Telephone Company   Bell ringer screws are capped under base   -
N1900A168 Telephone Rentals version     Wired -
N1900E1 Telephone Rentals version   Plastic dial with chaplets (Black case). Ringer screws are capped   -
N1900E31 Automatic without button     Plugin -
N1900E68 Telephone Rentals version   Steel dial with chaplets (Blue case). Ringer screws are capped Wired -
N1900E69 Telephone Rentals version   Steel dial with chaplets (Grey case) Wired -
N1900E78 Automatic without button   Plastic dial with chaplets (Black case) Wired -
N1900E83 Advance Telephones Ltd version   Plastic dial with chaplets (Grey case)   -
N1900E239 Telephone Rentals version N112419/3 No induction coil (Black case). Plastic dial with chaplets None -
N1900E241 Telephone Rentals version   No induction coil. Plastic dial with chaplets None -
N1900E243 Telephone Rentals version N112419 No induction coil (Blue case). Plastic dial with chaplets None -
N1900E244 Telephone Rentals version N112419/4 No induction coil (Grey case). Plastic/chrome dial with chaplets None -
N1900E245 Telephone Rentals version   No induction coil (Green case). Steel dial with chaplets None -
N1900E269 Communication Systems (CS) version   No induction coil (Black case). Clear dial with chaplets None -
N1900E273 Communication Systems (CS) version   No induction coil (Blue case). Clear dial with chaplets None -
N1900E274 Communication Systems (CS) version   No induction coil (Grey case). Clear dial with chaplets None -
N1900T Plessey   Vent in top of case (Grey case). Plastic dial with chaplets   -
N1340 C.B. without button       Plugin 706CB
N1340A1 - A7 C.B. without button     Plugin 706CB
N1340A30 - A36 C.B. without button     Plugin 706CB
N1340E53 - E59 C.B. without button     Plugin 706CB
N1341 C.B. with button       -
N1341E1 C.B. with button   Railway telephone with no bells (Black case) None -
N1901A Auto with button marked Recall   PABX and PMBX variant to GPO Diagram N806 Plugin 706
N1901A38T ETL with recall button   PABX Wired -
N1901A156 Auto with button marked Enquiry   Plastic dial with chaplets (Black case) Wired -
N1901AB190 Auto with button marked Press   Plastic dial with chaplets (Black case) Wired -
N1901C250T         -
N1901E237 Plessey Communications Systems   No induction coil (Black case). Plastic dial with chaplets   -
N1901H21T Auto with button marked Recall   Plastic dial with chaplets (Green case). Clear dial with chaplets   -
N1901H29T Communication Services (CS) version   Plastic dial with chaplets (Grey case). Tropicalised   _

Models produced for Communication Services Ltd have the letters CS stamped, upright, just above the cord entry on the rear of the telephone.


Diagram No. Table Model No. Wall Model No. System Use Regulator Notes
N91397 N1900 N1065 Auto Party Line Plugin No Thermistor
N91399 N1900 & N1340 N1065 & N1440 Auto & CB Basic Plugin To GPO diagram N806
N93127 N1901A...T N1066A Auto PABX Wired  
N93148 N1900...T N1065..T Auto & CB Basic Wired  
N94090 N1901A N1066A Auto PABX and PMBX Plugin To GPO diagram N806
N94691 N1901A..T N1066A..T Auto/CB PABX Wired Includes a filter suppression
N112419/4 N1900E244   Auto/CB PAX None  

Model Suffixes

E Normal
F Bell Volume Control
H Crown Agents Specification
J H and F Combined
T Tropicalised

Colour Suffixes (Mouldings and Piece Parts)

Suffix Colour   Suffix Colour
01 Black   19 Kashmir Beige
02 Ivory   20 Alice Blue
03 Lacquer Red   21 Rose Grey
04 Topaz   23 Aqua Jade
05 Concord Blue   24 Dusky Pink
06 Elephant Grey   30 Pale Pink Beige
07 Forest Green   31 Hemp Beige
08 French Grey   32 Lava Green
09 Aircraft Grey-Green   33 Silver Grey
10 Transparent   34 Loam Brown
14 Light Biscuit   35 Ilex Green

Material Suffices (Mouldings and Piece Parts)

A Diakon
B Polystyrene
E Cycovin
F Toughened Polystyrene


Please note that the wired regulator variants, such as shown in diagram N94691, are are not wired to GPO diagram N806, but certain components are wired as follows:-

The wired regulator is wired as follows:-
Blue - T11
Slate - T13
Brown - T12
Pink - T2
Orange - T14

The Handset cord is wired as follows:-
White - T10
Blue - T14
Red - T1
Green - T2

Introduced in 1959 and supplied worldwide.

Weight approx 3lbs 7oz (1.7Kg)

Dimensions of table telephone 11in. x 9.25 in. x 5.5 in. (279mm x 235mm x 140 mm)

See also General Purpose Telephone

N1901 - courtesy of Russell W Barnes


Original N1900


Original N1900


Original N1900



N1900 in Green N1900 in Ivory N1900 in Red


The Etelphone range combines high performance with attractive appearance and wide application.  It includes the basic instrument designed in conjunction with the British Post Office and caters for the following requirements:-

1. Auto, C.B., or magneto working.
2. Conversion from C.B. to auto working.
3. Conversion from auto to C.B. working.
4. Conversion from magneto to auto or C.B. working.
5. Conversion from table to wall mounting and vice versa.
6. Line performance regulation.
7. Press button for additional switching or signalling functions.
8. Tropical finish with components specially finished and treated to withstand extreme climatic conditions.
9. Amplified handset for users with impaired hearing.
10. Ringer volume control.
11. Unauthorised call restriction by a key-operated dial lock.

All versions are similar in external design and available in a range of pleasing light-fast colours: black, ivory, concord blue, topaz yellow, lacquer red, two-tone green and two-tone grey.  The instrument case and handset mouldings are of ABS copolymer, a high-impact material impervious to cosmetics, inks, oils and most chemicals.  Table telephones are complete with a moulded desk connecting block in matching colour and both table and wall instruments feature a convenient off-hook position for the handset.

The transmission circuit ensures maximum frequency response and line sensitivity over exchange lines with loop resistances up to 1000ohms.  It employs a conventional hybrid transformer with a fixed balanced network and includes the following standard components:-

  • Ringer with coils wound to any specified resistance.  The latest ceramic magnet material is used in conjunction with a pressed-iron frame to obtain high, stable performance with simplicity.  A simple wire biasing-spring can be fitted to eliminate bell tinkle when the instrument is used on party lines.

  • Induction coil with high anti-sidetone properties.

  • Transducers of sealed capsule type.

  • Contact springs tipped with precious metal contacts to ensure maximum contact reliability.

  • Internal conductors are insulated with P.V.C., a material fully resistant to moisture, attack by insects and fungoid growth.  Desk and handset connecting cords are additionally protected by P.V.C. sleeving.

  • External conductors terminate on screw terminals on the instrument terminal field.

The dimensions are common to all versions of the Etelphone, being 11in. x 9.25in. x 5.5in. (279 x 235 x 140mm); the weight varies between 3 and 4.6lb (1.3 and 2.1kg).

The N1900 Series
Auto or C.B.

This, the basic Etelphone, is suitable for use as a main or extension instrument.  The dial (BPO type No. 21) is adjusted to transmit 10 pps with 2 :1 break/make pulse ratio.  The dial number ring is fitted externally and bears standard numbering, i.e. 1 to 0. Alternatively, dials can be supplied with adjustments and numbering to suit customer requirements.

Line regulation (when required) is provided by a plug-in automatic performance regulator which limits sensitivity over short lines without affecting performance over long lines.  If regulation is not required, the regulator can be inverted in the socket on the telephone base to form an unregulated telephone.  The internal wiring is point-to-point with soldered connections.

The N1901 Series
Auto or C.B.

Produced to the same specification as the N1900 type this version is equipped with a press button for additional switching and signalling functions, e.g. shared service or operator recall.  The button is positioned immediately in front of the handset cradle and operates a microswitch secured to the main instrument bracket.

The button, which is coloured to match the telephone and inscribed with the appropriate legend, may be locking or non-locking according to application.

Also in the Plessey Telecommunications Publication No. 7099 (1/69)


Front and Rear Views
Side View








Inside a N1900E239.  Note that there is no regulator and a couple of resistors are fitted
This means that the transmission circuit is very basic and these telephones were used on internal telephone systems


Circuit Diagrams

To convert to Plug and Socket please see the conversion page for the GPO telephone No. 706.  Even if the telephone to be converted does not have an induction coil or regulator, the conversion instructions are the same.

Please note, that if your telephone has no induction coil or plug in regulator then do not expect the same transmission quality as you would with a GPO specified telephone.

N1900 - Diagram N91399.
N1900E239 - Diagram N112419.

Circuit Diagram N112419/4
Ericsson N1900E244

This model has no Induction Coil or Regulator


Ericsson N1341E1

This model has no bells or regulator but has a Local Battery Adapter fitted

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Last revised: February 04, 2025