C 3302
Provision of Kiosks No. 3 GENERAL 1. Introduction
The "Kiosk No. 6" is standard for call offices and will be
provided for all future installations, except in certain localities where
Public Bodies object to the standard kiosk. In these circumstances, "Kiosks
No. 3" will be provided exceptionally, and the procedure to be followed is
outlined in C3904; C1001 contains information relating to kiosks
generally. 2. Scope of Instruction
This Instruction is re-issued as a guide for the
erection of "Kiosks No. 3" erected under the exceptional circumstances
referred to in paragraph 1. A synopsis of the matters dealt with is as follows:-
General design of "Kiosks No. 3" |
Paragraphs 3 and 4 |
Earthing arrangements |
Paragraph 14 |
Erection details common to both types of "Kiosk
No. 3" |
Paragraph 8 |
Erection details particular to "Kiosk No.
3, Mark 234" |
Paragraph 15 |
Erection details particular to "Kiosk No.
3, Mark 2" |
Paragraph 41 |
Leading-in of E.L. lighting supply and telephone
leads (general) |
Paragraph 5 |
Leading-in arrangements applicable to
"Kiosk No. 3, Mark 234" |
Paragraph 36 |
Leading-in arrangements applicable to
"Kiosk No. 3, Mark 2" |
Paragraph 50 |
3. General design of "Kiosk No. 3."
There are two types of "Kiosk No. 3,"
viz., "Kiosk No. 3 (Mark 234) " and "Kiosk No. 3 (Mark 2)". The kiosk is of
concrete construction and its general design is illustrated by Fig. 1. The
overall dimensions of the Mark 234 kiosk are 8 ft. 7.5 in. by 3 ft. 1 in. by
3 ft. 1 in., whilst those for the Mark 2 type are 8ft. 7.5 in. by 3ft. 2in.
by 3ft. 2in.
4. Variants
Both types of kiosks are provided with doors hinged on the right or left,
as required, and, as it is frequently desirable that the door should open on
the right or left side adjacent to the back, four variations of the kiosk
have been provided as follows :-
"Kiosk No. 3A" (which has the door hinged on the left and fitted opposite
the back panel)
"Kiosk No. 3B" (which has the door hinged on the right and fitted opposite
the back panel)
"Kiosk No. 3C" (which has the door hinged on the left and fitted on the left
"Kiosk No. 3D" (which has the door hinged on the right and fitted on the
right side). 5. Leading-in arrangements. Underground
"Kiosks No. 3" are specially designed for an underground lead-in of the
telephone and electric-lighting leads, in order to :-
(a) preserve the artistic appearance of the kiosk because of the nature of
the roof assembly, and
(b) to minimize risk of unauthorized interference with the leads. 6.
Leading-in arrangements. Overhead
Leading-in from overhead will only be resorted to when service
from an underground cable route is impracticable. As a general rule, the
final span should terminate on a pole or wall-bracket in the immediate
vicinity of the kiosk, the leads being brought underground from the
terminating point to the kiosk. This method of leading-in must always be
adopted when, for the final span, a road crossing of open wires would
otherwise have to be erected or where the kiosk is situated in a busy
thoroughfare. On "Kiosks No. 3 (Mark 234)" the leading-in cable is led to a"
Bracket No. 5 " (modified) with a "Clamp, Eccentric," see paragraph 37, whilst
"Brackets No. 18" have been introduced for use on "Kiosks No. 3 (Mark 2),"
as described in paragraph 51 of this Instruction. 7. When leading-in from open wires is adopted, the final span must not
exceed 25 yards in length, and great care must be exercised to ensure that
this span cannot in any way be regarded as an obstruction. 8. Erection details common to both types of "Kiosk No. 3"
The following
instructions are common to both types of "Kiosk No. 3" and are issued for
guidance in their erection; they should be adhered to in principle, although
local conditions may necessitate departures there from in matters of detail. 9. Necessity for care in the handling and carrying of sections
The back and
sides should be handled on edge, and on no account carried or stored fiat;
sacking or similar protective material should be laid on the ground under
the corners and edges of the sections, to avoid damage. 10. The base is provided with grooves into which the back and side panels
are to be fitted and cemented in. All edges, grooves, etc. which are to be
cemented, must be lightly brushed with boiled linseed oil before the
sections are placed in position. 11. Preparation of site and provision of
Before placing the
base in position, the site should
be made firm and level. On unmade ground of a generally level character, an
"A" quality concrete (see LINES, Underground, A3501) foundation of a uniform
depth of from 4 in. to 6 in. should be provided to support the base, but
on pavement, the base should be bedded on Portland cement mortar and left
perfectly level. A concrete foundation of the same description is also
necessary, to provide a horizontal base, when the site chosen is on a slope.
The foundation should be sunk into the slope and it should be of uniform
depth. When necessary, a channel should also be provided on the upper side
of the foundation, to deflect rain water from the kiosk. 12. If the kiosk is to be erected on ground having a considerable slope,
special consideration should be given to the position of the door in
relation to the slope, and, where the door would otherwise be considerably
higher than the ordinary ground level, the depth to which the concrete
foundation is sunk into the slope should be sufficient to make the height of
the step into the kiosk reasonably moderate. 13. When a concrete foundation is necessary, it should be put in and the
conduits, etc. for underground services laid before any part of the kiosk is
taken to the site. When laid, it should be protected from the action of
frost, shielded from too-rapid drying by exposure to sun or wind, and
guarded for at least 48 hours, to ensure that it will set thoroughly before
erection is commenced. 14. Earthing arrangements
Earth electrodes should be provided and the
arrangements for earthing the telephone and electric-lighting fittings will
be described in an E.I. which will shortly be issued in the PROTECTION,
General, S Section. 15. General description
The kiosk comprises 10 parts, viz.:-
1 x Base
1 x Wooden door, with glass panels
1 x Floor slab
1 x Back panel
1 x Transom frame
2 x Side panels
1 x Transom
1 x Iron door frame
1 x Roof Screws and bolts for assembling are also included. The weight of the 10
parts is approximately 15 cwt. A supply of grouting will be required, and,
in this connexion, a quantity of "Earle's mastic cement, 'A' quality, grey"
should be obtained locally; the cement should be mixed with boiled linseed
oil to approximately the consistency of putty. The resulting mixture is
somewhat slower in setting than ordinary cement grouting, but is more
adhesive and easier to handle. 16. Order of erection of various kiosk sections
The foundation having been
prepared, the sections should be erected in the following order and in
accordance with subsequent instructions:-
Panel opposite the door
2 Panels adjacent to door
Door frame
Floor slab
Transom frame
Door 17. Base
Lay the base on a piece of timber, which has been placed
previously across the site. The base should then be adjusted to its correct
position so that the slots provided for underground telephone and
electric-light service leads (see paragraph 39) are adjacent to the position to
be occupied by the panel opposite the door, and the piece of timber should
be removed. Portland cement should be filled in all round the base at the
ground line, trowelled off and left smooth and clean, but this should not be
done to bases bedded on Portland cement mortar before the mortar has set.
The grooves in the base should be filled in with a thin layer of grouting
compound before the back and side panels are erected. 18. Panel opposite the door
The back or side panel, according to the type of
kiosk, should be raised carefully and lifted into the appropriate groove in
the base (see paragraph 3). 19. Panels adjacent to door
Raise the panels and carefully lift into the
appropriate groove in the base. 20. When the side and back panels have been erected they should be screwed
together, using the screws, nuts, and washers supplied with the kiosk, but
the screws should be left slightly loose so that they may be tightened up
later. 21. Door frame
The door and fittings should be detached from the door
frame, which should next be fitted and also lightly screwed up. 22. The position of the back and side panels in the grooves may need
adjustment, as the width of the grooves allows a certain amount of play. 23. Floor slab
The floor slab should then be placed in position. It must
lie in a central position, 0.25in. clear all round, with a slight slope towards the door, care being taken
to ensure that it will not prevent the door closing properly, and should
always be inserted so that the slots provided for telephone and
electric-service leads are adjacent to the back or blank panel, and register
with the corresponding slots in the base, see paragraph 15. 24. Scaffolding to facilitate erection of uppermost sections
The structure
is now ready for erection of the uppermost sections, but, before this work
is proceeded with and to facilitate it, a light scaffold about 4 ft. high
should be erected round the kiosk. 25. The transom frame should then be fitted and screwed to the iron door
frame. The panel opposite the door should next be adjusted and screwed to
the transom frame. 26. Before any further work is done, the interstices between the floor slab
and base and the panels inside the kiosk, and between the base and the
panels outside, also the vertical joints between the panels and between the
panels and the door frame, should be filled with grouting material (see paragraph
15). At the foot of the panels, the grouting should be finished off at the
level of the floor slab inside the kiosk and at the level of the base
outside. 27. While the grouting in the vertical joints is still wet, the screws, nuts
and washers holding the panels and door frame together should be tightened
up evenly and the whole structure made rigid. 28. The transom frame should then be screwed to the sides. 29. When the grout has commenced to set, any excess of grouting material
extruded from the joints as the result of tightening up the screws must be
scraped off and all the holes in which the screw heads are visible should be
stopped with grout flush with the surrounding surface. 30. Transom
Before the transom is fitted, the roof should be tried on it,
as the latter may be found to fit best in one particular way. When the best
way has been found, both the transom and the roof should be so marked that
the marks will coincide when the two sections are finally erected. 31. A thin layer of the grouting material should be laid on the top edges of
the back and side panels before the transom is fitted. The transom should
then be placed on the transom frame and a thin bed of the grouting mortar
should be laid on the corners of the transom to receive and fix the roof. 32. Roof
Before fitting the roof a piece of timber, on which the roof can
be rested temporarily, should be placed across the transom to prevent the
edges of the roof and transom from damage while
the former is being suitably placed. The timber may then be withdrawn and
the roof lowered into position. 33. Door
The door should next be placed in position. It should be wedged up
as high as possible while the hinges are screwed up. Before the restraining
straps and door spring are fitted, the door should be tested to ensure that
it swings freely. The door-closing spring, when fitted, should be adjusted
to function properly. 34. Any slight damage sustained by the kiosk during transport or erection
should finally be made good with grouting material (see para. 15). Ordinary
cement should not be used for this purpose. 35. Signs
Four opal signs - "Glasses No. 25" - should be fitted in all cases. 36. Leading-in
- General
The general principles of leading in to kiosks are
detailed in paragraph 5; the method of applying them on a "Kiosk No. 3 (Mark
234)" is described in paragraphs 45-47. 37. Leading-in - Overhead
When it is essential to terminate open wires direct on a
kiosk, the following method should be adopted. The sides of the "Bracket
No.. 5" should be shortened to 7 in., by means of a hack-saw. The altered
bracket should then be bolted to one corner of the kiosk immediately below
the roof, preferably at the back, by means of two ( in. by 21 in. bolts,
which should be obtained by local purchase. The two holes in the kiosk to
take the bolts should not be cut with a chisel but should be drilled with a
hand drill, to ensure that the framework of the kiosk is not fractured. A 11
in. washer should be placed over the bolt thread inside the kiosk, to give a
good bearing surface. A "Clamp, Eccentric" should be fitted in the bracket,
as described in LINES, Overhead, E 3101, and "Cable, I.R.V., Braided and
Compounded" from the pole or house-fixing should be passed through the
clamp, through the ventilator on the kiosk, and terminated on the protector. 38 Special attention must also be given to ensure that the four corners of
the roof are properly secured by grouting. When this method of leading-in is
adopted, the slots in the floor slab and base should be filled-in and
cemented over. 39. Leading-in - Underground.
(a) Protection for leads
Lengths of galvanized iron conduit are provided
for protecting the telephone and electric-lighting leads, when these are to
be brought into the kiosk from underground. The conduit should be run
upwards behind the wallboard. The length provided for the telephone leads
should be sufficiently long to enable them to be led to the protector or
direct to the telephone, as required, see (c). The conduit for the
electric-lighting leads should be carried further, as required, to the
electric-lighting control apparatus. (b) Method of securing conduit
Wooden plugs are inserted in the back panel
in positions where, if the floor-slab and back panel have been fitted
properly, the plugs should be immediately above the slots in the back panel
through which the telephone leads are brought into the kiosk (see paragraph 23).
These plugs are to be used for fixing the saddles, which are provided for
securing the conduit. (c) The telephone leads should enter the kiosk through the right-hand slot,
as viewed from the inside of the kiosk, thence they should be led up through
the conduit behind the wallboard. From the point where they emerge from the
conduit, they should be run adjacent to the batten on the wallboard to the
protector (if fitted) and, thence, behind the wallboard to the telephone, or
direct to the telephone, if a protector is not required. (d) The electric-supply leads must always be led into the kiosk from
underground by means of armoured cable or cable in conduit, and should enter
through the left-hand slot, as viewed from the inside of the kiosk. Electric
lighting should be provided as indicated in POWER, Lighting, A 3101.
40. Items to be requisitioned separately
The following stores are necessary
in connexion with the provision of each kiosk and should be requisitioned
separately; 4 "Glasses No. 25" (see para. 35); "Conduit No. 2A," as
required; "Conduit Saddles No. 2A" as required; and equipment detailed in D
3001. In addition, a supply of grouting will be required and should be
purchased locally, see paragraph 15.
KIOSKS NO. 3 (MARK 2) 41. General description
This type of kiosk differs from the "Mark 234" type
in certain minor details. The main distinguishing feature is that the panels
and transom of the "Mark 2 "type are in one piece, whereas the panels,
transom frame and transom are separate items in the "Mark 234" type. The
"Mark 2" type of kiosk comprises the following parts:-
1 x Base
1 x Iron door frame
1 x Floor slab
1 x Wooden-framed door, with glass panels
1 x Back panel
2 x Side panels
1 x Transom panel
1 x Roof Screws and bolts for assembling are also included. The weight of the 9 parts
is approximately 15 cwt. Grouting material which will be required, should be
obtained as indicated in paragraph 15. 42. Erection
The various parts should be erected in accordance with paragraphs
16 to 35, with the exception
of the operations to which special attention is drawn in paragraphs 43 to 54. 43. Order of erection of various parts
The transom frame included in "Kiosk No. 3" (Mark 234) is eliminated in
"Kiosks No. 3 (Mark 2)." The order in which the various parts should be
erected is therefore as follows:-
Panel opposite the door
2 Panels adjacent to the door
Floor slab
Door frame
Transom panel
Door 44. Fixing of Door Frame
Owing to the elimination of the transom frame, it
has been necessary to employ a mild-steel plate to accommodate the
door-closing spring. The door, together with the fittings attached thereto
(except the mild-steel plate referred to above), should be detached from the
door frame. This latter item should next be fitted, and lightly screwed up. 45. Fitting of Transom Panel
The transom panel should be fitted in
position, the steel weathering-strip being inserted between the bottom of
the panel and the top of the door frame; this operation differs entirely
from that specified for "Kiosk No. 3 (Mark 234)" in paragraph 25. 46. As stated in paragraph 41, the transom and its frame
- used on the "Mark 234"
kiosk - are combined in the "Mark 2" kiosk, and the instructions contained in paragraphs 28, 30 and 31 therefore do not apply to "Kiosk No. 3 (Mark 2)." 47. Application of
grouting Material
A thin bedding of grouting material
should be laid on the top of each of the four corners of the kiosk, to
receive and fix the roof. 48. Fitting of Roof
Before fitting the roof, a piece of timber, on which
the roof can be rested temporarily, should be placed across the top of the
sides of the kiosk, to protect the edges of the roof and the sides from
damage while the roof is being located. The timber may then be removed and
the roof lowered into position. 49. Signs
"Glasses No. 43" should be used on "Kiosk No. 3 (Mark 2)." 50. Leading-in
- General
The general principles of leading-in are detailed
in paragraph 5, and the method of applying them to "Kiosk No. 3 (Mark 2)" is
described in paragraphs. 51 and 52. 51. Leading-in - Overhead
A new bracket "Bracket No. 18" has been introduced for the
purpose of leading-in from overhead lines to "Kiosks No. 3 (Mark 2)." The
bracket should be fitted to the top of the side section adjacent to the rear
section of the kiosk. The uppermost side-fixing screws should be removed,
and the "Bracket No. 18" placed in position over the screw holes ; the
bracket should then be secured in this position, using the two fixing screws
supplied with the bracket for this purpose. "Cable, I.R.V., Braided and
Compounded" from the pole or house. fixing should be passed through the
clamp, through the ventilator on the kiosk, and terminated on a protector
fitted to the wallboard. The slots in the floor slab and base should be
filled in and cemented over. 52. Leading-in - Underground.
(a) Fixing of protecting conduit
Special conduit lugs are provided on the
wooden battens fitted to the back section, for fixing lengths of 3-in. G.I.
conduit when this is necessary (i.e. for protection of telephone and
electricity-supply leads, when the kiosk is served from underground
distribution). (b) The telephone leads
Normally (i.e. when served from underground
distribution), these leads should enter the kiosk via the slot arranged in
the right-hand side of the back section, as viewed from inside the kiosk. (c) The electricity-supply leads should be led into the kiosk by armoured
cable or cable in conduit and should enter through the left-hand slot as
viewed from inside the kiosk. Electric lighting should be provided in
accordance with POWER, Lighting, A 3101. 53. Cabling of Root Light
On "Kiosks No. 3 (Mark 2)," special provision is
made for cabling from the time-switch to the roof-light. This is a conduit
assembly, which is cast into the concrete of the dome, consisting of a
length of conduit fitted with a junction box at its upper end. Obviously,
when the roof is being fitted, it is essential that the entrance to the
conduit assembly, which protrudes about
in. below the bottom edge of the roof, be immediately above the right-hand
side of the rear section, i.e. the nearest point to the time-switch. 54. Items to be requisitioned separately
These are the same as required for
"Kiosk No. 3 (Mark 234)" (see paragraph. 40), except that "Conduit Saddles, No.
2A" are not required, and "Glasses No. 43" are required instead of "Glasses
No. 25."
Kiosk No. 3 Mark 1 Exterior |
Kiosk No. 3 Mark 2 Exterior |
Additional Pictures

Kiosk No. 3 containing a Telephone No. 11 and Coin Collecting Box No.
