TELEPHONE No. AB 2536 & AB 2555

AB 2536 & AB 2555
Iron-cased, waterproof magneto telephones

Microtelephone RE 1018 with removable capsule transmitter RC 4000/40, 40 ohm without mouthpiece, and rubber insu1ated cord RS 6201, bell 2000 ohm, 2 dry cells RK 190, generator with 5 magnets according to the table, case of cast iron.

The telephone is divided in three compartments.  The front compartment contains only the micro-telephone with its suspension hook and the generator crank.  A side compartment contains the two cells.  The rear compartment, which is air and watertight, contains the remaining parts of the telephone.  Incoming wires are led through two holes at the top of the telephone, these holes being so shaped that they may be hermetically sealed by filling with suitable paste or compound after the wires have been led in.  These holes are also threaded at the top, thus permitting iron or other tubes to be screwed on to protect the wires, if desired.  The telephone AB 2536 is provided with a special generator suitable for use in mines or other places where sparks from other generators might cause an explosion.

The telephone AB 2555 is suitable for use in places exposed to damp or rough usage, such as in railway yards, ship yards and mines where there is no risk of explosion.

height 440 mm, width 275mm, depth 170 mm, weight 30 kg.

Taken from the L. M. Ericsson Telephones and Signalling Material Catalogue No. 188 (1934)

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Last revised: September 30, 2019