Receivers, Watch No. 1B
Used on Hooks, Receiver E on switchboard positions, Hooks Receiver H
on wall telephones, or Hooks Receiver D on Telephones No 2 or 4.Resistance is 150 ohms.
Also used for testing purposes in which case
is was supplied in a leather pouch and without the suspension loop.
Uses Earpiece No. 2 and Diaphragm No. 12 (1928 and 1946 Rate Books).
Superseded by Receivers, Watch No. 6. Drawing - 8853.
Receivers, Watch No. 2B
Used for testing purposes.Uses Earpiece No. 2 or 13 and Diaphragm No. 12.
Superseded by Receivers, Watch No. 1B with suspension loop removed.
Receivers, Watch No. 3D
Used on Transmitters, Fire Alarm No's 5, 6 or 7.
10 ohm
Earpiece No. 10.
Diaphragm No. 12.
Cord, Inst, No. 2/33B 7.75".
Has a ring on back.
Supersedes Receiver, Collier Marr.
Receivers, Watch No. 4
Used on London Fire Brigade Fire Alarm Systems.
10 ohm resistance.
1 x Earpiece No. 10.
1 x Diaphragm No. 12.
1 x Key-plug and Cord, "Brown".
No. 4D came complete with leather case.
Receivers, Watch No. 5 Unknown use.
Receivers, Watch No. 6
Bakelite cased Receiver Watch for use on 200 and 300 type
telephones.Available in the colours - Black, Chinese Red, Ivory and
Jade Green.
Loop is Part No. 2/SL0/1.
Cord is Cord, Inst., No; 2/22B (Colour), 33".
Superseded by Receivers, Watch, No. 7P.
Shown in 1946 Rate Book but not in the 1956 book. Drawing - 60336.
Receivers, Watch No. 7P
Nickel plated, steel cased Receiver Watch.Used on Telephones No's 232 and 332.
Fitted with Cord, Instrument No. 2/22B (colour) 33" and Earpiece No. 22.
Requires Hook, Receiver L (for Telephone No. 232), T....,
X (for
Telephone No. 332) or Y..... Resistance - 50 Ohms. Available in the colours - Black, Chinese
Red, Ivory and Jade Green. Siemens Brothers code - Receiver No. 60A.
Drawing - 63174. Specification - S258. Dimensions - 64mm x 38mm.
Receivers, Watch No. 8T
Used on 700 type Telephones.
Fitted with Cord, Inst. No 2/145AK (colour) 7 inch.Supplied in Ivory, Black or Grey.
Requires Hook, Receiver AG (for Telephones 706 and 710), AH (for
Telephones 711) or AK for (Telephones 740 and 746).
Drawing - 91784.
Specification - S757.
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