Combined, Bakelite cased, table telephone used by the BPO in CBS No's 1, 2, 3 & Magneto exchange areas on private circuits without transmission feeds and in mobile vans.

Fitted with a dummy dial, the telephone has no provision for press buttons, but the chassis may be found in a three button case as some were used during WW2 and modified for secrecy working.

This telephone had a tray for the subscribers personal directory but as from June 1940 the tray was not fitted and instead the telephone was supplied with a Tray, Dummy, D62099 (a blank plate).  This was probably a war time cost saving, as in late 1947 the tray was re-introduced.

An alternative to the Telephone No. 1/196LB with Bellset No. 31.

This was a Local Battery telephone and therefore requires batteries to power the transmitter.

Available in the colours - Jade green, Chinese red, Black and Ivory.

This phone shown in the picture would have been connected to a scrambler unit and the handset has been changed to a green variant to identify that the phone could be switched to scramble the speech.

Mark 1 - has a Receiver, Inset No. 1L in the handset and switch bracket with plungers of the early type.
Mark 1A - has a Receiver, Inset No. 1L in the handset and switch bracket with plungers of an improved type.
Mark 2 - has a Receiver, Inset No. 2P in the handset and switch bracket with plungers of the early type.
Mark 2A - has a Receiver, Inset No. 2P in the handset and switch bracket with plungers of an improved design.

Supplied to the BPO by Ericsson, their Model N8440.

Telephone Includes:-
1 x Bell No. 59A, Modified.
1 x each of Bell-gongs Nos. 2 & 2A Nickelled.
1 x Capacitor, M.C., No. 97.
1 x Tray-dummy, D 62099, Black or 1 x Tray-dummy, D 62076, Colour.
1 x Coil, Induction No. 21.
1 x Cord, Instrument, No. 5/14B, 54" Colour.
1 x Dial, Automatic, Dummy No.3, Colour.
1 x Part No. 1/SCA/20, Colour.
1 x Telephone No. 164 Colour.
1 x Block Terminal No. 20/8, Colour.

To be requisitioned separately as required:-
Where a longer cord 54" is required
1 x Cord, Instrument, No 5/14B 54" Colour or 72", 120", 180", 300" etc.
1 x Generator No. 4CN.

Adjustment of Magneto bells

Circuit diagram - N496.

Diagram for Button labels - N620.

Drawing No. 63022 - Telephone components parts.
Drawing No. 63023 - Chassis components.
Drawing No. 63250 - Chassis components (improved switch hook buttons).
Drawing No. 90319 - Telephone parts (Mk 3A).
Drawing No. 90373 - Chassis components (improved switch hook buttons).
Drawing No. SBA12 - 300 type base plate.
Drawing No. SCA17 - 300 type complete case.
Drwaing No. SCA20 - 300 type case.
Drawing No. SCA47 - 300 type complete case (improved switch hook buttons).

Dismantling the Telephone No. 396

Dismantling the Handset

History, Technical and General Information on 300 type telephones

Collectors information

Adjustment of Magneto bells

Keys for use in 300 type wall and table telephones

Lamp Fittings

Labels that fit in the sliding tray

General fault finding on your phone

How to restore Bakelite

Comparison chart of GPO 300 type telephones



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Last revised: April 28, 2024